Travel agency specialized in hiking and active holidays in Corsica
FAQ: Hiking in Corsica
You will find here the answers to all (or almost) your questions about the GR20. Information about our organization, accommodations, weather, the snow, the equipement, etc.
Everything you need to know about the GR20 and hiking in Corsica.
Everything you need to know about the GR20 and hiking in Corsica.
It is possible to do the GR20 all year long?
The GR20 is a "summer" itinerary. During winter, the mountain huts are underguarded. There is usually snow from November to May/June (depending on the year).
Thus, we organize our tours on the GR20 from the end of May to the end of September.
Thus, we organize our tours on the GR20 from the end of May to the end of September.
Which way is better to hike the GR20?
We usually organize our tours going from South to North. Thus, you begin with the "easiest" part of the GR20, your effort is gradual, which gives you more chances to finish the trail.
I'm a vegetarian. Is it possible to have vegetarian meals during the hike ?
We take into account vegetarian diets and ask for the accommodations to adapt their menus. But it is important to remind each accommodation when you arrive. On the other hand, if you have allergies or a more specific diet (gluten-free for example), we recommend you to take the necessary food supplement for the duration of your stay.
I'm afraid of height. Can I go on the GR20 ?
Some portions of the GR20 can be impressive for people who are afraid of height. But there are occasional and not long. For most people, it is not an issue. But we recommend you anticipate these situations and prepare yourself before coming on the GR20. There are real solutions that can help you face your fear: hypnosis, cognitive-behavorial therapy, etc.
I would like to do the GR20, but sleep in comfortable hotels. What are you offering?
On the original trail of the GR20, there are only refuges and sheepfolds which offer rudimentary comfort. But do not forget that these nights under the stars are the ones that leave the most unforgettable memories... However, if you feel the need to rest, some accommodations on the trail offer private rooms (in Asco, Vergio and Vizzavona).
Is it possible to leave the GR20 at any time, if it is too difficult for me ?
The GR20 is really demanding ; once you are on the trail, it is not that easy to "escape", for some stages are not accessible by road. Moreover, if you decide to change itinerary (because you're tired, or hurt, or weather is not good), you will have to find logistic solutions (transfers) and assume their costs.
Do we need spikes at the beginning of the season on the GR20 ?
In general, snow remains on the Corsican mountains until the end of June. Quantity is variable from one year to another. On the GR20, two stages can be a problem if there is snow: Asco-Tighjettu and Manganu-Petra Piana. In case of heavy snow, you will need spikes on these stages to pass. Important: spikes are the only equipment allowing you to walk safely on hard snow. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are not sure of snow conditions.
How do I know if I have the level to hike on the GR20 ?
Ask yourself: do you practice endurance sports (running, cycling...) ? Are you used to hike for several days, and on such long distances ? If you hike, are you used to hike on steep, rocky terrain, with a daily ascent of minimum 600m ? Have you already hiked with your backpack for 5 or 6 days in a row ? Answering these questions will allow you to evaluate your capacities and plan an adapted training to prepare for your trek.
Until what age can we do the GR20 ?
Our experience of more than 20 years accompanying hikers on the GR20 allows us to make some recommendations. We are often asked about the age: the most important thing is to evaluate its "physiological" age instead of its real age. Observe the signs that can alert you: loss of balance, lower endurance, higher sensitivity to cold and dehydration or reduced cardiovascular capacity... Do not hesitate to do a complete medical check-up to reassure you!
Why do we need to be more cautious after 60-65 years old?
Ageing modifies your physiology and reduces proprioception. The diminution of tonicity, articular and muscular flexbility combine to increase the risk of loss of balance.
The GR20 is really demanding and you have to be able to bear the weight of your backpack everyday.
If you are not sure of your capacities, we recommend to divide the trail into two parts (1 week on the Southern part the first year, and 1 week end on the Northern part the next year for example).
Why do we need to be more cautious after 60-65 years old?
Ageing modifies your physiology and reduces proprioception. The diminution of tonicity, articular and muscular flexbility combine to increase the risk of loss of balance.
The GR20 is really demanding and you have to be able to bear the weight of your backpack everyday.
If you are not sure of your capacities, we recommend to divide the trail into two parts (1 week on the Southern part the first year, and 1 week end on the Northern part the next year for example).
Is it possible to hike without a guide, while benefiting from an assistance of Couleur Corse?
For security reasons, we ask for a minimum of 2 people for self-guided hikes. If you are alone, we advise you to join one of our groups on a guided tours.
When do I need to book my trip?
As soon as the season is over, we already begin to receive booking requests for the GR20. We usually recommend you to book your trip at the beginning of the year (around January, February) for a departure the next summer.
What if I travel with suitcases or large/heavy luggage ?
If you travel with a suitcase or heavy luggage that are not necessary to your hike, you have the possibility to leave us your belongings at our office in Ajaccio for the week.
6, boulevard Fred Scamaroni 20000 AJACCIO
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